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Palm Trees in the Snow

爱情,剧情,爱情片 西班牙 2015


导演:费尔南多·冈萨雷斯·莫利纳 超清



Killian is a young man who has never left the remote mountains of Huesca (Spain) which saw him grow up. In 1953, he travels back to the exotic Equatorial African island of Fernando Poo, in Spanish Guinee, where he was born, to work in a cacao plantation alongside his father and his brother. During 20 years in this island, until the troubled days of independence, he will undertake a journey towards maturity and knowledge, but will also have to deal with pain and loss.,雪中的棕榈树自上映以来,已经可以在腾讯视频、优酷视频、爱奇艺等在线视频平台观看,该片语言西班牙语,若您喜欢请一起分享给身边的朋友们吧,韩国三级电影【www.30-life.com】,该片由马里奥·卡萨斯,阿德里亚娜·乌加特,玛卡莲娜·加西亚,Berta,Vázquez主演,影片被点击了847次,影片导演:费尔南多·冈萨雷斯·莫利纳,雪中的棕榈树百度云在线观看由韩国三级电影2024-02-03 05:10:02整理,超清,韩国三级电影(www.30-life.com)为您带来的一部来自爱情,剧情,爱情片的影片。


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